My boys motivate me. I love drawing with them. They are also my biggest fans and supporters.
Anyway... recently had a Mythology Contest to draw something for a T-shirt. I love mythology. I tried drawing something "realistic". It didn't go well. It rarely does. So, I reverted back to my cartooning. This was the result:
I don't know if it will win, but I was pretty happy with the result. This is the most successful minotaur I have drawn to date. The contest was limited to 5 colors; I am planning on re-coloring this later using whatever colors I want. I'll probably be drawing more of this guy later.
If you have a Deviantart account, and you want to vote, you can find the art HERE. Just click "I Want This" to vote. Thanks.
(If it doesn't win, I may make some products available with the re-colored art through CafePress or something...)